Friday, March 23, 2012

Another week flys by...

                .....and again we have so much to tell! Jono and I had an amazing time at the marriage conference last weekend. Overall great experience, but its funny how you can think you understand marriage so well... You think, I am going to be the best wife or husband. I am really pretty humble, pretty nice, and I like to serve people. But then two weeks into your marriage and reality sets in, and as time goes on you realize how awful you are at marriage. Its definitely not what it is portrayed sometimes. Like the fact that the Pastor speaking at the retreat, Ken Ortiz, still gets in arguments with his wife that lasts hours is definitely an encouraging thing to hear. The Lord is working mightily in our lives and our marriage as a result. It was such a blessing to have the other students serve the retreat as their weekend outreach. It was so busy during the day but great to be able to relax at the meals, be served like at a restaurant, and not have to rush off to homework! We met some amazing people too, Hungarians, Canadians and Americans that all live in Hungary. Who knew it was so diverse?
               In addition we have just finished speakers week which ran Monday through Friday. A week long of amazing Pastors with a specific message from the Lord to each of our hearts. The Lord has been doing a great work here among the students. There is a real spirit of unity and love here. But it is amazing how tired I am after two long weeks. We had two classes every morning, and one at night. All about lectures in ministry and theology. The topics ranged anywhere from the need for a great prayer life, suffering and trials, to a need for wisdom in our lives. I know I learned so much this week and I am looking forward to some rest.
             This weekend right after Saturday brunch we are heading down to Slovenia! Seriously one of the prettiest countries in Easter Europe, definitely at least top 3! We have been asked by one of the Teachers/Pastors here, Kevin Fitzgerald and family, to accompany them while Kevin is speaking at the church in Celje, Slovenia. We are so excited to accompany them, we have already met one of the deacons of church, Allish (phonetic spelling as I have no idea how to spell it). He is Slovenian by descent, but is married to a girl from our home church in Boise, Idaho. We are very excited to meet her and spend time not only with their family's but in the beautiful country of Slovenia. It will also be such a blessing to be around the Fitzgerald's, as Kevin has been serving as the pastor of Calvary Chapel Dublin for the last ten years. We are excited to see how their family dynamic is, and to be discipled by them in a way.
           Thank you all for following us on our blog, if you would like to get in contact with us get on Skype or sign up! We would love to hear from you in any way really. Ishten Aldom! (God Bless You!)

and Sarah's new favorite dessert, traditional a cake that has a layer of burnt sugar on top. Its called, "Dobos cake" I seriously need the recipe. And its not super sweet like American cake, its like the best cake you have ever had good!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sziastok baratom!

Hey friends,

        Another week is whizzing by, and I was thinking of you all, so time to update! Another day in Bible College, another day of the Lord showing us how amazing He is! I had a truly amazing John class the other day. We were talking about John chapter 8, where the pharisees bring the woman to Jesus who was caught in adultery, and they wanted to stone her to death for her sin. Jesus says to them, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone," basically saying that He does not condemn her. Shaun Havelaar, our teacher, related to it as the "sound of grace," or the sound of the rocks falling to the ground, and the Pharisees walking away. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound," I now know what that means to me, the sound of grace. Its the sound of Jesus telling us that when we come to him, his grace covers all our sin! That is a sweet thing to hear!
       Besides amazing classes, I have had the privilege of seeing the Lord beginning to answer some prayers in my life. He is so good to us. Jonathan and I are also attending the marriage conference they are having this weekend here at the school. It is hosted by the Calvary Chapel in Budapest, and the teachers are of course Phil Metzger and a few other pastors from the states. We are definitly looking forward to the Lord working in our marriage. In addition I am taking beginning guitar, and it tis such a blessing. I am so excited to be learning a new instrument, especially one that is more mobile than piano and drums. Jonathan is moving up to the advanced Hungarian class. The teacher approached him and asked him to move up, what an honor! I of course am still in the intro class, and probably will be this whole semester haha.
   Today I am heading to Budapest for a class assignment. We re observing the church service there. Very excited to see the church, as it was planted by one of my favorite bible college teachers/pastors, Greg Opean! It will be my first day exploring Budapest, as I arrived late at night and traveled straight to Vajta. we will also be visiting parliament, and hopefully a Starbucks. I never thought I would miss Starbucks, but I can admit I do... So sad. I miss big coffees. In Hungary the coffees are more like a large espresso, not like a sixteen ounce cup of hot coffee that is not so strong as espresso. You have to drink it faster, you can't sit and enjoy it over an hours' coffee date. So I will be at Starbucks today. And maybe enjoy some suti (pronounced shootie), it's basically Hungarian cookies. And they are so good. Miss you all and we are praying for you all! Please let us know if there is anything we can lift up for you in prayer, no matter how small!!